Clocktower History
Our Clock Tower premises, known as Stourport Yacht Club, are situated between Clock Basin and the original and largest of Brindley’s Basin’s - known as the Upper Basin which was opened in 1771. Built high enough for protection from the river Severn’s flooding, it allows us access from the river via two wide-beam locks, large enough to enable the “Severn Trows” which carried amongst other things, roof tiles up the river to Bridgnorth - many stopping off at the “Mug House’s” on the way. There are also two sets of narrow locks, next to Starline Boat Yard and dry dock on the lower basin.
The Club house with the clock tower (also known as The Basin Clock) is a noted landmark, the Georgian building being of historic interest. The clock is older than London’s Big Ben, and was erected by subscription. It was made by Samuel Thorpe of Abberley in 1813 and has 7 weights and 4 dials, originally time being measured by the quarter beats.